Introverts Ignored – Hidden Tigers

Why ignoring introverts can be dangerous. You may have observed that extroverted people get noticed a lot. By nature, they process things externally, so it is only natural that they are more visible. Their ideas, opinions, and feelings are usually evident through their actions and communications. If they are upset about something, this too is […]

Strong Men Lifting Heavy Weights – What Do We Learn?

Strong men lifting heavy things is not a revelation, is it? It’s to be expected they can do this. Any criticism they may have of the weaker majority tickles only their ego; it doesn’t impress the rest of us. If we happen to excel in one area, is it a reason to boast? Sadly, some […]

YOUR POINT OF FOCUS – A Root of Many Problems

It’s crunch time, your team is under pressure. Some are struggling. What do you do, double down on the work? The theory – finish the work then you can properly help the team recover. Or do you take care of the team’s needs first? The theory – care for the people and the work will […]

What is your sticky wheel?

  The passions and interests we have in life exert more power over us than we often realize. Just as a shopping cart with a sticky wheel constantly pulls you in one direction, so to your passions influence your life direction. Our interests have a real-life impact, both for and possibly against us. An example in […]