Managers bringing this kind of message may face an uphill battle to maintain team morale in the upcoming year. Incentives are the fuel that keeps people motivated. There are few things we do in life without a specific incentive, whether it is attaining a slimmer body resulting from diet and exercise or the yearend bonus […]

Proper labeling – an intelligent move

Extremist! Fringe! Bigot! And the list goes on. In the world of social media, the dominant characteristic is how people label those they despise. The problem though, is not labeling, but bad labeling. There are those who intentionally do this to start a fire. But the fact that labeling can start a fire reveals the […]

What is your sticky wheel?

  The passions and interests we have in life exert more power over us than we often realize. Just as a shopping cart with a sticky wheel constantly pulls you in one direction, so to your passions influence your life direction. Our interests have a real-life impact, both for and possibly against us. An example in […]

Why some people seem more frustrated over COVID than others

Have you noticed that some people seem more stressed than others when it comes to how the whole COVID situation has been managed? What has Birkman got to do with this? While avoiding judging any one situation it is interesting that the Birkman assessment includes one component that may have a large impact on how […]

My Hot and Cold Friend

There were days when we seemed the best of buddies. Our great day together gave promise of more to come. However, the day that followed shattered that dream. How could it be that one day we enjoyed warm friendship and then the next day a definite cooler, distant relationship? This was long before I became […]